Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is feng shui?

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practise that involes arranging living spaces in a way that creates balance and harmony with the natural world. It is believed that the proper arrangement of a space can greatly enhance once's life force energy, or 'chi'. 

What kind of services does Today Feng Shui offer?

At Today Feng Shui, we offer a wide range of feng shui services, including residential and commercial consultations, space clearing, and interior design. Our team of experts will work with you to create a customised plan that fits your specific needs and goals.

How long does a typical consultation take?

The length of a consultation varies depending on the size of the space and the extent the services requested. Generally, a residential consultation sakes 2 - 4 hours, while a commercial consultation may take loner. 

Do I need to have any previous knowledge of feng shui before scheduling a consultation?

No prior knowledge of feng shui is necessary. Our experts will explain the basic principles and help guide you through the process.

Can feng shui really improve my life?

While there is no scientific proof to support the effectiveness of feng shui, many people find that implementing feng shui principles into their surroundings helps to create a sense of calm and balance. This, in turn, can lead to improved quality of life and overall well-being.

Is feng shui only for certain types of people or spaces?

No, feng shui can be applied to any type of space, regardless of size, location, or purpose. Whether you live in a small apartment or run a large corporation, feng shui can help to enhance your environment and promote positive energy flow.
No, feng shui can be applied to any type of space, regardless of size, location, or purpose. Whether you live in a small apartment or run a large corporation, feng shui can help to enhance your environment and promote positive energy flow.

How often should I update my feng shui?

There is no set timeline for updating your feng shui, but we recommend reviewing and refreshing your space at least once a year to ensure that it remains balanced and harmonious.